Tuesday 24 July 2012

Please add:


Idiom Picture of the Week

What do you think it means? Make sure to tell me by leaving a comment. If you are right, you will get a maple leaf!

Happy Tuesday!

Hello Students!

Today you have two blog posts to write.

1. The first one has to be about an activity you did over the weekend or during the program. You have to try and convince your readers that they should or should not do this activity.

For example: You went white water rafting and you want to convince the reader that they should go because it is a lot of fun. You need to give at least 3 reasons as to why your reader should or should not go to or do the activity.

2. Your second blog post is on the song, poem, prose or story you wrote (the fortune cookie activity). Post your piece and then one paragraph explaining the meaning of your "art work."

3. Finally, make sure you have added everyone and can see all the students' blogs. Go read what they wrote today and leave some comments.

Have fun!

Thursday 12 July 2012

The other class joins us online!!!

Please follow the blogs below so that both class can be connected online. Read and comment on one another`s posts!!













Tuesday 10 July 2012

              "The cat's got your tongue!" What do you think this idiom means? Any guesses?

Monday 9 July 2012

Tuesday and Thursday's Assignment

Happy Tuesday (or Thursday)!

This morning you began to write a story while incorporating the details we discussed together in class. Think of how you can enhance your work with adjectives, descriptions, and choosing your words carefully (Remember that all words have connotations!). Help the reader to see, feel, smell, hear and taste what you did. Type out your story onto your blog so that the other students can read it. Once you're finished feel free to look up some pictures, or upload your own, and add them to your post. Here is the longer version of the example we looked at together in class. It has some very beautiful pictures! http://andelsewhere.com/on-motorcycling-and-buddhist-funerals/

Your second post today is on the Museum of Civilization. What were your two questions that you wanted to find the answers to? Did you find the answers? What were they? What else did you see, learn and do? What was the most interesting aspect of the Museum and why? 

All finished? Now you should add the other students in the class. You did this on your blogs home page and by clicking the "add" button. Please ask me if you need help. Here are the urls of the other students in the class:













For the rest of the class, please spend some time reading and commenting on the other students' blog posts. Let them know what you liked about their stories or whether or not you agreed with what they thought about the museum. You can also look at what other students commented and add or comment on their ideas.

Happy blogging!


Thursday 5 July 2012

Aren't you glad you aren't made of popcorn?

Welcome Students!

Hello Explore Students! If you are seeing this message then hopefully you have created your own blog and have started "following me." As we have discussed in class, I would like you to write your first blog post. It should be one or two paragraphs and should include:

- An introduction of yourself
- Something interesting or strange about you
- Why you have come to Ottawa to study with Explore this summer
- What you are most looking forward to doing or seeing in the next 5 weeks
